Faster Vim Start Up Time by Lazy Loading Plugins

Let’s get down on it assuming you’re using vim-plug as the plugin manager. Identify the Plugins Taking Long to Load sh 1 2 3 4 vim --startuptime startuptime.log # then, quit vim cat startuptime.log | sort -k2 -r | grep "plugged|$" Focus on the second column of the output, which is the time spent for loading the plugin sorted in descending order. vim-plug installed plugins should be highlighted, see which one is sucking time.

East Asian Multibyte Character Piles Up in Vim/iTerm2/OS X Environment

Multibyte characters were piling up to each other in my vim on iTerm2 like above. Here’s how to fix this. vim setting Add the following line to .vimrc ~/.vimrc 1 set ambiwidth=double It’s telling vim to double the width of characters having Ambiguous Character Width. iTerm2 setting Tick the checkbox and tell iTerm2 to do the same. That’s it, fixed!

Building Form for Multiple File Upload in Rails Way


When you build a form in “Rails way”, you don’t have to do much on your own. It automatically validates the parameter, and re-renders the form with proper messages in the event of errors.

However, when it comes to file upload form, things get complicated. For instance, when the form is redisplayed because of the form error, the file input value is lost. You don’t want to make users select the same file again, just because they mistyped their email address or phone number. Especially when they chose a bunch of files to upload. It’s also bad in terms of website performance (We don’t want them to send large image files again and again).

We could use javascript file upload plugins (lots of them are opensource, cool, well animated and fantastic). But they normally make source code difficult to manage if you’ve been doing things in “Rails way”.

Here I’ll introduce a way to build a file upload form in “Rails way”, which gets along with Rails activeform and requires minimum effort to build, but still does enough. Concretely,

  • Uploads multiple files at a time.
  • Can add/remove multiple file input fields dynamically.
  • Shows preview when an image file is chosen.
  • If an errors exist in the form, the file inputs memorize and redisplay the selected file.
  • Also, the server caches the once-uploaded-file in the event of form redisplay, so no additional network traffic occurs.
  • Can remove existing files.
  • Use plain html form, NOT xhr (therefore, no file drag and drop feature).

See Github Repository for the complete app.